Board of Directors
Leadership with vision
What we do is important, but how we do it matters even more. 太阳2平台的董事会通过监督太阳2平台的业务和战略,帮助太阳2平台对股东负责,并帮助确保太阳2平台保持高标准的诚信和道德. 太阳2平台的董事拥有广泛的技能和经验,拥有共同的成功愿景.
Jeffrey W. Martin
Andrés Conesa
Pablo A. Ferrero
Richard J. Mark
Bethany J. Mayer
Michael N. Mears
Jack T. Taylor
Cynthia J. Warner
James C. Yardley
Jeffrey W. Martin
Jeffrey W. Martin是Sempra的董事会主席兼首席执行官. Martin自2018年5月起担任Sempra的首席执行官, and as chairman since December 2018. 他曾担任Sempra的执行副总裁兼首席财务官(2017年至2018年). Prior to that, he was president, chief executive officer and chairman of the company’s subsidiary, San Diego Gas & Electric. 他也是Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC和American Petroleum Institute的董事.
Andrés Conesa
Andrés Conesa has been a director since February 2017. 自2005年以来,他一直担任Grupo aerommexico的首席执行官. Conesa also is chairman of SkyTeam, a global airline alliance. 2008年至2018年6月,他是国际航空运输协会理事会成员,并在2015年任期内担任主席. Conesa is a former director of Infraestructura Energética Nova S.A.B. de C.V.
Pablo A. Ferrero
Pablo A. Ferrero has been a director since 2013. 他是密歇根州立大学能源公司的独立能源顾问和执行董事. 费列罗是南方天然气运输公司的前首席执行官.A. His experience includes more than 20 years in the energy industry, 包括南美主要能源公司的董事和高级管理职位. 他曾担任多家能源公司和行业相关董事会的董事和主席.
Richard J. Mark
Richard J. Mark has been a director since August 2023. From 2012 until August 2022, Mark served as chairman and president of Ameren Illinois Company, 是一家电力和天然气管制公用事业公司,也是阿莫林公司的全资子公司. Mark于2002年加入Ameren,担任客户服务副总裁,并担任过一系列越来越重要的管理职位, including senior vice president, 在那里他负责电力和天然气业务. Prior to joining Ameren, Mark was with Ancilla Systems Inc. where he served as president and chief executive officer of St. Mary’s Hospital in East St. Louis, Illinois. Mark is a director of Tenet Healthcare Corporation.
Bethany J. Mayer
Bethany J. Mayer has been a director since June 2019, 此前,他于2017年2月至2018年11月在Sempra董事会任职. Mayer is an Executive Advisor with Siris Capital Group LLC. 她于2018年11月至2019年1月担任Sempra公司发展和技术执行副总裁. In 2017, 她曾担任Keysight Technologies的高级副总裁和Keysight Ixia Solutions Group的总裁, 哪个提供网络测试和可见性解决方案, optimizing and securing networks. Prior to that, 从2014年到2017年4月被Keysight收购,Mayer担任Ixia的总裁兼首席执行官兼董事. Mayer serves on the boards of directors of Box, Inc.他是Box, Inc .的非执行主席.
梅耶尔在Sempra的审计和执行委员会任职,并担任安全委员会主席, Sustainability and Technology committee.
Michael N. Mears
Michael N. Mears has been a director since October 2018. 他曾担任Magellan Midstream Partners的董事长、总裁兼首席执行官.P. from 2011 until April 2022. From 2008 to 2011, he was Magellan’s chief operating officer. Mears于2002年加入Magellan Midstream Partners,并担任了一系列越来越重要的管理职位, 包括运输副总裁和码头和运输高级副总裁. Prior to joining Magellan, 米尔斯曾在其前身公司担任过一系列管理职位, Williams Pipeline Company, L.P., beginning in 1985. Mears is a director of Devon Energy Corporation.
Mears serves on Sempra’s Safety, 可持续发展,技术和执行委员会,并担任公司治理委员会主席.
Jack T. Taylor
Jack T. Taylor has been a director since 2013. 他是美国的首席运营官和执行副主席.S. Operations for KPMG LLP from 2005 to 2010. From 2001 to 2005 he served as the vice chairman of U.S. Audit and Risk Advisory Services for KPMG. Taylor is a director of Genesis Energy, L.P. and Murphy USA Inc.
Cynthia J. Warner
Cynthia (CJ) Warner has been a director since June 2019. 她曾担任Renewable Energy Group, Inc .的总裁、首席执行官和董事., an advanced biofuel producer, from January 2019 until June 2022. Prior to that, Warner于2016年8月至2018年10月担任Andeavor(原Tesoro Corporation)的执行运营副总裁, when Andeavor was acquired by Marathon Petroleum Corp. Prior to that, 2014年10月至2016年8月,Warner担任Andeavor的战略和业务发展执行副总裁. Warner此前曾担任Sapphire Energy, Inc .的董事长兼首席执行官. 她在BP和Amoco, Inc .工作25年后加入Sapphire Energy. (在被BP收购之前),在那里她获得了全球能源行业的重要知识,并担任过许多领导职务, including overseeing BP’s global refining business and its health, safety, security and environment efforts. Warner is a director of Bloom Energy and Chevron Corporation.
Warner是Sempra的首席独立董事,并担任Sempra的公司治理, Safety, Sustainability and Technology and Executive committees.
James C. Yardley
James C. Yardley has been a director since 2013. 2006年至2012年,他担任El Paso Corporation的执行副总裁和管道集团总裁. Yardley也是El Paso Pipeline GP Company LLC的总裁兼首席执行官, the general partner of El Paso Pipeline Partners, L.P. from 2007 to 2012.